Tuesday, July 24, 2012

HER cover ??

Tada !!
Not sure what im doing with this yet maybe a cover ??
maybe just teaser art who knows ??
Regardless enjoy !!

Anyway for those interested i'm about to begin work on the first "FULL" issue of her something like 22 pages not sure still needs some edits...
But really excited for that im really hoping to impress with this first story gonna be some action, story, emotion's
overall pretty epic or atleast that's what im aiming for .

So yeah look forward to that hopefully i can start woking on it in the next day or 2
And i hope you'll check it out !!

Monday, July 23, 2012

"HER" it's coming back !!

So good news for anyone who's following my "HER" web comic .
Im currently in the process of writing what will become the first issue
so that means longer page counts for each chapter in the "HER" saga.
I hope get it printed and show it off at the upcoming comic convention's pretty exciting !!
And maybe even get it published !!
i figure a full issue worth or story may look better to editors/fans
so look forward to that !!

Also not to be a whore but ill prolly start a "HER" fanpage (on facebook)soon as well where i'll do updates and most of the actual comic pages .

anyway thanks for reading this loooong post .

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Ok so it's not "HER" but it's still new art !
This is the pic i did as a possible playmat featuring "tour guide from the underworld" and "sangan"
From the yu-gi-oh card game

So what do you think ??

Both characters (c) to konami

P.S the next chapter of "HER" is coming i promise

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


HAPPY 4th OF JULY everyone !!

Hope you all are having a great holiday even if you don't live in america lol

Anyway here's a little patriotic pinup for you to enjoy
featuring the lovely Scarlet

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

HER chapter 3, pg 5

The last page of chapter 3

I think next im gonna start going by issue number rather than chapter maybe start planning a future self-publish not sure yet ??

Either way now we're in the real "meat" of the story and i wanna start doing things a little more professional and start truly trying to market "HER"

So stay tuned guys/girls !!

Next chapter/first issue " a real pig of a man"